Voice List API

API to retrieve the full list of voices, both public and private, available to a user.

Convai's Voice List API endpoint

GET https://api.convai.com/tts/get_available_voices

This endpoint is called to get the list of available voices for a user. The voice list includes information regarding all the public as well as user's private voices.


The request body only required the following header field :


Field NameTypeValue / Description



Your Convai API Key.


On success, the API will return a nested JSON object in the following format :

    "<Section Name#1>" : [
            "<Voice Name #1>" : {
                "voice_value" : "voice_value_for_voice#1",
                "lang_codes"  : [<list of language codes, supported by the voice>],
                "gender"      : "<MALE/FEMALE>",
                "sample_link" : <link to the voice sample file>
            "<Voice Name #2>" : {
                "voice_value" : "voice_value_for_voice#2",
                "lang_codes"  : [<list of language codes, supported by the voice>],
                "gender"      : "<MALE/FEMALE>",
                "sample_link" : <link to the voice sample file>

Response Field Descriptions

  • Section Name : The name of the section under which the voice is available (in the Convai Playground).

  • Voice Name : The name of the voice that is visible to the user on the Convai Playground.

  • voice_value : The unique id for the voice, uniquely identifying the voices. This is the value that needs to be sent to the backend while using the Convai's TTS endpoint or updating/setting the voice for the character.

  • lang_codes : List of languages supported by the voice.

  • gender : Gender of the voice (MALE/FEMALE).

  • sample_link : The link to the voice sample file.

Sample Code Snippet

import requests

# URL of the API endpoint
url = 'https://api.convai.com/tts/get_available_voices'

# creating the header
headers = {
     'CONVAI-API-KEY': '<your api key>',

# Make the request
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Print the response content
    print(f"Failed to retrieve data. Status code: {response.status_code}")

Last updated