Transcript UI System

Transcript UI System - Integrate transcript UI with Convai's Unity plugin.


The Dynamic UI system is a feature within the Convai Unity SDK that provides developers a robust system for in-game communication. This feature allows for displaying messages from characters and players and supports various UI components for chat, Q&A sessions, subtitles, and custom UI types. This document will guide you through the integration, usage, and creation of custom UI types of the Dynamic UI feature in your Unity project.


Accessing the Chat UI Handler

To interact with the chat system, you need to reference the ConvaiChatUIHandler in your scripts. You can find the Transcript UI prefab in the Prefabs folder.

Here's an example of how to find and assign the handler:

private ConvaiChatUIHandler _convaiChatUIHandler;

private void OnEnable()
    // Find and assign the ConvaiChatUIHandler component in the scene
    _convaiChatUIHandler = ConvaiChatUIHandler.Instance;
    if (_convaiChatUIHandler != null) _convaiChatUIHandler.UpdateCharacterList();

Sending Messages

Once you have a reference to the ConvaiChatUIHandler, you can send messages using the following methods:

Sending Player Text

To send text as the player:

  • input: The string containing the player's message.

Sending Character Text

To send text as a character:

_convaiChatUIHandler.SendCharacterText(characterName, currentResponseAudio.AudioTranscript.Trim());
  • characterName: The name of the character sending the message.

  • currentResponseAudio.AudioTranscript: The transcript of the audio response from the character, trimmed of any leading or trailing whitespace.

Adding Custom UI Types to the Dynamic Chatbox

While the Dynamic UI system within the SDK provides several pre-built UI types, you may want to create a custom UI that better fits the style and needs of your game and it designed to be extensible, allowing developers to add their custom UI types. This is achieved by inheriting from the ChatUIBase class and implementing the required methods. The ConvaiChatUIHandler manages the different UI types and provides a system to switch between them.

Creating a Custom UI Class

To create a custom UI type, follow these steps:

Step 1: Define Your Custom Class

Create a new C# script in your Unity project and define your class to inherit from ChatUIBase. For example:

using Convai.Scripts.Utils;
using UnityEngine;

public class CustomChatUI : ChatUIBase
    // Implement the required methods from ChatUIBase here.

Step 2: Implement Required Methods

Implement the abstract methods from ChatUIBase. You must provide implementations for Initialize, SendCharacterText, and SendPlayerText:

public override void Initialize(GameObject uiPrefab)
    // Instantiate and set up your custom UI prefab here.

public override void SendCharacterText(string charName, string text, Color characterTextColor)
    // Handle sending character text to your custom UI here.

public override void SendPlayerText(string playerName, string text, Color playerTextColor)
    Handle sending player text to your custom UI here.

Step 3: Add Custom Functionality

Add any additional functionality or customization options that your custom UI may require.

Step 4: Assign and Use Your Custom UI

To use your custom UI class within the dictionaryConvaiChatUIHandler, you need to add it to the GetUIAppearances dictionary. This involves creating a prefab for your custom UI and assigning it in the ConvaiChatUIHandler.

Here's an example of how to do this:

  1. Create a prefab for your custom UI and add your CustomChatUI component to it.

  2. Assign the prefab to a public variable in the ConvaiChatUIHandler script.

  3. Modify the InitializeUIStrategies method in the ConvaiChatUIHandler script to include your custom UI type.

[Tooltip (Prefab for the customChatUI.")]
public GameObject customChatUIPrefab;

private void InitializeUIStrategies()
    Existing UI types
    InitializeUI(chatBoxPrefab, UIType.ChatBox);
    InitializeUI(questionAnswerPrefab, UIType.QuestionAnswer);
    InitializeUI(subtitlePrefab, UIType.Subtitle);

    // Custom UI type
    InitializeUI(customChatUIPrefab, UIType.Custom); // Make sure to define UIType.Custom in the UIType enum

private void InitializeUI (GameObject uiPrefab, UIType uiType)
    // existing code...

    Add your custom UI initialization here
    if (uiType == UIType.Custom)
        CustomChatUI customUIComponent = uiPrefab.GetComponent<CustomChatUI>();
        if (customUIComponent == null)
            Debug.LogError("CustomChatUI component not found on prefab.");

        GetUIAppearances[uiType] = customUIComponent;
  1. Ensure that your custom UI type is added to the UIType enum:

public enum UIType
    CustomUI // Your custom UI type
  1. Now you can set your custom UI type as the active UI from the Settings Panel Settings Panel.

By following these steps, you can integrate your custom UI type into the Dynamic Chatbox system and switch between different UI types at runtime.

Last updated