Unity Plugin

Integrate advanced conversational AI to create intelligent, interactive NPCs for your games.


Convai's Unity SDK provides you with all the tools you need to integrate conversational AI into your Unity projects. Convai offers specialized NLP-based services to build intelligent NPCs for your games and virtual worlds. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with your game development workflow, enhancing the interactivity and depth of your virtual environments.

Key Features

  • Conversational AI: Leverage advanced NLP capabilities to create NPCs that can understand and respond to player input in natural, engaging ways.

  • Intelligent NPCs: Build characters with dynamic dialogue and behaviors that adapt to player actions and the game world.

  • Easy Integration: Our SDK is designed for quick and simple integration with your Unity projects, allowing you to focus on creating compelling gameplay experiences.

  • Cross-Engine Support: In addition to Unity, Convai supports other popular game engines, ensuring broad compatibility and flexibility for your development needs.

This is the Core version of the plugin. It has a sample scene for anyone to get started. This version of the plugin only contains the basic Convai scripts and Character Downloader.

Visit our website for more information and support.

Quick Setup Tutorial

Unity Plugin Quick Setup Video

Last updated