Playground Walkthrough

Get started with Convai Playground. Follow our walkthrough to create and manage your AI characters.

Unleash Your Creativity with Convai Playground

Step into the Convai Playground, where you let your creativity shine. Here's a concise guide to bringing your character, let's call her Sabrina, to life.

Begin with Basics

Start by naming your character and selecting a voice from an array of options. This choice sets the stage for Sabrina's digital persona.

Craft a Unique Backstory

Next, dive into Sabrina's backstory. Is she energized by city life, or does she aspire to make people laugh as a stand-up comedian? This backstory isn't just filler; it's the soul of your character, making her relatable and dynamic. if you are out of ideas just click on Generate Backstory and relax.

Custom Actions, Personality and more

The Convai Playground offers extensive customisation options. From Sabrina's actions and language abilities to her knowledge and emotional state, every detail you choose adds depth to her character. Imagine adjusting her mood to react dynamically within a game, adding a layer of realism to the interaction.

Create an 3D Avatar

You can create your 3d character from scratch picking up hairstyles, body type, clothes and accessories and give your character a unique appearance according to the personality.

Interact with Your Creation

Finally, engage with Sabrina in a 3D web experience. This interaction is the result of your creativity, chat with the character on various topics, ask her about previous experiences from the memory or do some actions.

Your Creative Playground Awaits

The Convai Playground is more than just a tool; it's a gateway to endless possibilities. Whether you're a developer, storyteller, or simply curious, it offers a unique opportunity to explore the potential of AI in character creation. Dive in and let your imagination lead the way.

Last updated