macOS Permission Issues

macOS security permission issue with custom DLLs in Unity and Mac Configuration in build settings

Allowing the grpc_csharp_ext.bundle dll file in macOS

Using external DLLs in Unity on MacOS can lead to security permission issues due to Apple's strict security measures. Here's a step-by-step guide to resolving this common problem.

  1. Verify the Problem:

  2. Manually Allow Blocked DLLs:

    • Open System Preferences on your Mac.

    • Navigate to "Security & Privacy".

    • Under the "Security" tab, you might see a message at the bottom about the DLL being blocked. Click "Allow Anyway" or "Open Anyway" and enter password if asked.

  3. Modify Gatekeeper settings: MacOS's Gatekeeper can prevent unidentified developers' software from running. To allow the DLL:

    • Open the Terminal (found in Applications > Utilities).

    • Type sudo spctl --master-disable and press Enter.

    • This command will allow apps to be downloaded from anywhere.

    • Now, try running the Unity project again.

    • After you're done, you should re-enable Gatekeeper with sudo spctl --master-enable to avoid any malware.

  4. Check File Permissions: Ensure the DLL has the correct file permissions.

    • In Finder, right-click (or control-click) on the DLL file and choose "Get Info".

    • Under “Sharing & Permissions”, ensure that your user account has "Read & Write" permissions.

  5. Review Unity's Plugin Settings:

    • In the Unity editor, select the DLL in the Project view.

    • In the Inspector window, make sure the appropriate platform (in this case, Mac OS X) and architecture (Apple Silicon, Intel-64) is selected for the DLL.

    • Ensure that the "Load on Startup" and other pertinent options are checked (should be enabled by default)

Mac Configuration in Player Settings during build

  • Update Mac Configuration:

    • In Unity, navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Player.

    • Scroll down and click on Other Settings

    • Scroll down again to find Mac Configuration section

    • Update the Mac Configuration section (follow the below Screenshot)

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