Backstory API

Generate Backstory for Character


Generate Backstory API is implemented as Server Sent Event (SSE). Given some initial description about the character and their name, this API can generate a description for the character.


Request Body

# Output Format:
# The response will be streamed as Server-Sent Events (SSE).
# Each event will have a 'data' field containing a string with a part of the backstory.
# Example of a single event:

data: You step off the train, greeted by the bustling city sounds.

# Multiple events will be received, each containing a portion of the backstory.
# The full backstory can be assembled by concatenating the 'data' from all events.

Here are some sample codes to demonstrate the request format for the endpoint -->

import json
from sseclient import SSEClient
import requests

url = ""

headers = { 
    'CONVAI-API-KEY': '<Your-API-Key>',
    'Accept': 'text/event-stream'

form_data = { 
    "inputText": "Lawyer in the New York City. Achiever. Stubborn.",
    "charName": "Mindy"

# Create a session to manage cookies and keep-alive
session = requests.Session()

# Send the POST request with form-data and stream the response
response =, headers=headers, data=form_data, stream=True)

# Create an SSE client from the response
client = SSEClient(response)

# Process the events
full_response = ""
for event in
        full_response +=


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