Create a Discord Bot

Create your own Discord Bot to share with people in various servers.

Follow the next set of steps to create your own Discord bot:

  1. Click on New Application

  2. Enter the name of the bot that you want to create. Let's go with ConvaiTracy

  3. Accept the Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy and click on Create.

  4. Now, you land on the application details page. Upload an app icon and provide a description as you see fit. and click on Save Changes.

  5. Then click on OAuth2 --> URL Generator

  6. Click on the bot checkbox under the Scopes section

  7. Click on the following checkboxes under the various Permissions

    1. General Permissions:

      1. Manage Webhooks

    2. Text Permissions:

      1. All the checkboxes

    3. Voice Permissions:

      1. Connect

      2. Speak

      3. Use Voice Activity

      4. Priority Speaker

      5. Request To Speak

  8. Copy the URL generated below. This will be the shareable invite link for the bot on all servers.

  9. Next click on Bot

  10. Click on Add Bot --> Yes, do it!

  11. Allow the following intents under the Privileged Intents section and click on Save Changes.

  12. Click on Reset Tokens to generate a new token for the bot. Then click on Yes, do it

  13. Copy the generated token to be used later for hosting the bot server.

Now we move on to connecting the Discord bot with a Convai Character and hosting the server.

Hosting Discord Bot from Personal Server

Last updated